Site Meter Touch the Hand: Another Method Requested, But For Real

Monday, July 23, 2007

Another Method Requested, But For Real

Earlier today in a chat room, I was with the "other two" Yadda Yadda's of mine and one of them ask for the recipe for shrunken heads. Laughing in which I did, because of the nature of the question and of the two who ask for it! Well, really one asked, the other loved the idea, thinking it would also go along with the of wood chippers, goat feeders, mote diggers.

But to my surprise, then sicken stomach, the recipe is for real. This made room for a pay pal account number to be given, as this went right up there on their priority list. Of course no one agreed to send any money for this procedure to be done by them, the Yadda Yadda's , where you can learn about them in The Mint Julep Shop... Please note that out of the three of us, all three are not as evil as two of them, with one being much more reserved and letting the other two handle most issues. Sometimes the reasonable one {me} has to step in and give them "that look" such as today when emailed this gesture on a method of applying "getting even" with another, especially in regard to being jaded by men.

This primer on the shrunken head preparation is unbelievable and gruesome, but also somewhat fascinating. I had to tell the Yadda Yadda's NO... saying there is still time left for reform. They think I'm far to forgiving... {grins} Like Martha Stewart and Paula Dean, these guys really have a devotion in their craft.

The skin is boiled in plain water for no more than about half an hour; this reduces the skin by about half. The trophy is then dried on a stick thrust in the ground. Then the skin is turned inside out and all the flesh is scraped off with a knife. The tsantsa is then turned right side out and the slit in the rear is sewn together with string made from the inner bark of the Kumai palm.
Now if you really must own one of these heads you can click here, and order right on line. Let me know if you did this as I may just have to remove you from my friends list. :-)

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